
This is version 1.0 on June 22, 2013.



This is an automatic testing tool for Android UI applications on Android 4.0.3. It presents semi-automatic exercise the applications via Monkey and program traces collection, and through our mining engine to diagnose the crash scenarios.

Prerequisite Libraries

1. In order to build trace parser, install libxml2 library first. Please reference http://www.xmlsoft.org/downloads.html

2. In order to build gui, install wxWidget library first. Please reference http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Installing_and_configuring_under_Ubuntu

3. In order to build automata, install "graphviz" and "kgraphviewer" first. Procedures to install graphviz and kgraphviewer:

(I) $apt-get install graphviz

(II) $apt-get install kgraphviewer

4. In order to Collect Log by gui, add


below ~/.profile. And re-login.


$cd <root folder of Intol>


Use INTOL Collect Application Traces

1. Run INTOLGUI application (Suggest to use Terminal to see logs)

$ cd <Intol source folder>

$ cd gui


2. GUI functions

i. Create “project file” to include several log files.

(Main Menu) [File] items.

ii. Manually Record Logs

[Collect Log] -> “Start Log”

->“Start a New Trace”


->“Set Verdict”

->“End Log and Pull Out”

iii. Automatically Record Random Logs

[Collect Log] -> “Automatically”.

Specify parameters: package name(SUT), log amount, trace amount per log, event amount per trace,...

Users can choose to supervise each record or not.


Run rulemining through Terminal(with logs collected)

$ cd <Intol source folder>

$ cd rulemining

$ ./rulemining [training logs][testing logs][clustering][confidence]


Getting Started

  • You need to have Google edition mobile devices which is capable to install the instrumented Android ICS 4.0.3.

  • Our miner works on PC with Ubuntu 10.04.

  • AboutUs

    We are from verification automation lab of EECS, NTU. If you have any question, please contact r99943141@ntu.edu.tw

    This is version 1 on June 22, 2013.