GOAL for Games, Omega-Automata, and Logics


GOAL is a graphical interactive tool for games, £s-automata, and logics. Since 2011, it has been migrated to the second generation, which is a complete redesign with an extensible architecture, many enhancements to existing functions, and new features.
The extensible architecture allows easy integration of third-party plugins. The enhancements provide more automata conversion, complementation, simplification, and testing algorithms, translation of full QPTL formulae, and better automata navigation with more layout algorithms and utility functions. The new features include game solving, manipulation of two-way alternating automata, translation of ACTL formulae and £s-regular expressions, test of language star-freeness, classification of £s-regular languages into the temporal hierarchy of Manna and Pnueli, and a script interpreter.